“Memory Café Coos” meets monthly, from 10:30 to noon at the North Bend Public Library.
Memory cafés are social gatherings for older adults with memory issues and their care partners. Care partners may be spouses, siblings, children or friends, and their social lives are often just as affected as their loved ones. These gatherings are light and casual and allow care partners to relax and socialize with others in their same situation. There is no cost to attend.
The Café will be staffed by qualified healthcare providers (LCSW), library staff, and volunteers. Memory Café Coos will provide a safe, comfortable, supportive space where activities are not dependent on flawless memories and care partners can be with their loved one and still have social interactions. However, this is not a care facility, and care partners are required for accompany their partners.
Este proyecto piloto está financiado por una subvención para la innovación en servicios para personas mayores de la subvención de la Oficina de Salud Rural de Oregón de OHSU. El proyecto es el trabajo de Drea Douglas (Biblioteca pública de North Bend), Kelli Bosak (Centro médico de North Bend) y Lualhati Anderson (Iniciativa de salud conductual para adultos mayores de Oregon). Esperan encontrar socios comunitarios que también organicen cafés, con el objetivo de tener un café de memoria semanal en los condados de Coos y Curry.
Para obtener más información sobre este programa, comuníquese con la biblioteca al (541) 756-0400 o envíe un correo electrónico [email protected].