Save energy, save money and stay comfortable with Energize South Coast. This is a limited-time opportunity for Coos County residents and businesses to install a ductless heat pump at a discounted rate, and lower your utility bills. Ductless heating systems use 25-50% less energy than traditional heating systems, provide both heating and cooling, and are simple to install and operate.
Two free online workshops are set for Tuesday, May 19, 5:30-6:30 and Thursday, June 4 from 7:00-8:00 p.m., and are open to Coos County residents, property owners and businesses. After attending a workshop, participants are eligible to receive the group purchase community discount.
With support from a USDA Rural Economic Develop Grant, the nonprofits Spark Northwest and Rogue Climate have joined with additional partners, including NeighborWorks Umpqua, Energy Trust of Oregon, Sol Coast, Coquille Indian Tribe, Southwestern Oregon Workforce Investment Board, and Coos Bay Surfrider to provide this opportunity to local residents and businesses. The local HVAC company Pacific Air Comfort is the community-selected installer for the program.
To qualify for the discounted rate, attend a free online workshop and learn more about ductless heat pumps, utility incentives and rebates, and low-interest financing options.
For more information visit Energize South Coast’s Website.
Register today!
Webinar 1: Tuesday, May 19, 5:30-6:30 pm
Webinar 2: Thursday, June 4, 7:00-8:00 pm
Check out this article in The World Newspaper from 05-09-20.