Southern Oregon Coast Pride, in collaboration with the Coos Bay Public Library, held its first virtual event: Stay in and Come Out, on Oct. 27th via Zoom. It was a huge success with many new faces! The event centered around the question: “what does coming out mean to you?”, and invited participants to share their experiences while learning from each other. People from all over the county joined, including one participant who grew up here and has since moved across the country, but saw this as an opportunity to “check in” on his small town and see how far it has come since his youth.
Participants made connections with others and learned more about how Southern Oregon Coast Pride is planning to establish connections during this time of such distance. At the end of the meeting announcements were made regarding the upcoming “queer coffee” morning (Nov. 3rd, 7:30-8:30am at Coos Head Food Coop parking lot), Q&A group meetings for youth ages 13-24, and ways to get more involved with Pride Committee.
Contact us to learn more via our Facebook page: Southern Oregon Coast Pride or via email
[email protected]