Coos County Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) Fund
These funds are for community benefit initiatives that align with the Coos County CHIP priorities and are focused on improving population health, health care quality, and health equity.
Funding Goals
In 2020 designated funds to be directed by the Advanced Health Community Advisory Council (CAC) in support of the Coos County Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). These funds are for community benefit initiatives that align with the Coos County CHIP priorities and are focused on improving population health, health care quality, and health equity.
Coos Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)
The CHIP is a work plan that is developed based on the significant health needs of our community identified in the Community Health Assessment (CHA). Health needs are prioritized by the cross-sector CHIP committee who conduct community-wide surveys and focus groups to get input from Coos county residents. For example, the health assessment showed that 1 in 4 children are food insecure (unsure where their next meal is coming from) which is higher than the state average. We then put “food insecurity” in the CHIP and work on ways to make food more available to children and families. Each year, Advanced Health produces a Progress Report that shows us how we are doing on the CHIP projects and the work being done by the organizations listed below.
Coos County CHIP Priorities
- Adversity, trauma, and toxic stress – support efforts to mitigate trauma and increase resilience
- Prevention – support individual prevention services, including but not limited to chronic disease, health behaviors, early detection, and screening
- Housing and homelessness – increase housing availability, increase quality and safety of housing, and support projects that address homelessness
- Food and nutrition – support efforts to decrease food insecurity and increase the availability of healthy, nutritious food for all ages
- Transportation – support efforts to increase transportation options
- Economic stability – support workforce development and employment programs; increase knowledge about the connection between income inequalities and health
- Access and integration of services – support efforts to increase access to health services; support continued integration of services across physical, behavioral health, and oral health services
- Behavioral health and addictions – improve access, integration, and delivery of behavioral health and addiction services; support behavioral health and addiction prevention services
- Coordination, collaboration, and communication – increase coordination, collaboration, and communication between organizations working toward improving the health of the community
2020-2021 Approved Coos CHIP Funding Organizations and Activities
- The Nancy Devereux Center – Cover transportation costs so the homeless can receive services from the Devereux Center; support direct client services, specifically clothing, prescriptions, food bags, backpacks, tents, and tarps.
- South Coast Education Service District (SCESD) – Provide social and emotional training for 50 Skills Trainers and school staff in 10 school districts starting in 6 high needs school districts in Coos and Curry counties.
- South Coast Together – Support consultation and production costs for the development of a “What Helps” guide for parents and others with infographics and plain language to present foundational information about the importance of building resilience and strategies.
- Fitness for Recovery – Purchase portable equipment to allow fitness classes to move outdoors making social distancing and continuation of classes possible.
- Bay Clinic – Purchase items for care packages that support comfort, warmth, and wellbeing for those without current means of housing. Clinic behavioral health staff deliver these packages while also helping people know about available mental health and addiction services.
- Southern Coos Hospital & Health Center – Provide essential support to develop and implement preventive educational and awareness projects re: immunizations, and misuse of opioids and prescription medications.
- Bay Area Enterprise – Purchase two vehicles to provide transportation to/from worksites for clients with disabilities to ensure safe, reliable transportation that allows clients to continue working during times where public transportation is unavailable.
- United Way of Southwest Oregon -Secure part-time contractor to oversee and develop outreach for South Coast Oregon Connects, a community-owned website.
- Youth ERA – Provide Art Therapy Groups for Transition-Aged Youth
- Coos Housing Access Program, Housing Trust Fund – Three-month marketing program to lay the ground for fundraising re: housing.
- Oregon State University – Print 300, 52-page nutrition resource booklets to be distributed to 30 sites around Coos County.
- Queers & Allies Group – Expand the program to establish Gender Affirmative Closet, a website with web design internship for 2-3 youth, increase the number of participants and expand reach to outlying areas.
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