HEBOCON will be held at the North Bend Public Library on Saturday, April 1 from 11:00 – 1:00 PM. HEBOCON is a robot sumo-wrestling competition designed specifically for participants who are not technologically gifted. It is a competition where ugly robots that are not well-made can gather and engage in odd, awkward battles.
The North Bend Public Library will be distributing robot kits starting on March 13 while supplies last. The kits available at the library are made up of a small toy car and a set of HEBOCON instructions. However, participants are strongly encouraged to make their own robots. Purchasing a cheap RC car would be a great place to start, but a little out of the library’s budget! After creating an ugly, poorly designed, failure robot, bring it to the HEBOCON event on April 1 to battle in the arena of shame. HEBOCON at NBPL is a family friendly event and open to all ages.
For more information about this event, contact the library at (541) 756-0400 or email [email protected].