The Coos Watershed Association is one of 90 watershed councils in Oregon designated to receive grants for watershed health projects. Watershed councils are defined as “locally organized, voluntary, non-regulatory groups established to improve the condition of watersheds in their local area.” Our mission is to support environmental integrity and economic stability within the Coos watershed (the 610-square mile area of land that drains into the bay) by working collaboratively with willing landowners, volunteers, students, and community members on projects that improve our forests and streams for both wildlife and people. Do you have a question about invasive species? Are you interested in restoring habitat for salmon on your property? Are you interested in becoming a volunteer or intern? If you would like more info on how to support us and work with us, send us an email, give us a call, or stop on by. We look forward to hearing from you!
Coos Watershed Association
Detailed Information